You can use the underscore to write ridiculous code.

__ is a valid class name. __ is a valid namespace. __() is a valid method. And, __ is a valid property.

I stumbled upon this a few years ago , but hadn’t gotten around to writing it down. It’s really fun to play with. I thinkt the next step is to create an obfuscator extension.

Here’s a simple class from when I was teaching intro to C# and demonstrating async and await.

using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace A_A.Library
    public class FileAccess
        public async Task<int> GetLength(string filePath)
            var sr = new StreamReader(filePath);
            var chars = sr.ReadToEnd();
            return chars.Length;

        public async Task<int> GetLines(string bigTxt)
            int lines = 0;
            var sr = new StreamReader(bigTxt);
            while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                await sr.ReadLineAsync();
            return lines;

Here’s it is again, obfuscated. Still compiles, still valid C#.

using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace __
    public class ___
        public async Task<int> ____(string ___)
            var _ = new StreamReader(___);
            var __ = _.ReadToEnd();
            return __.Length;

        public async Task<int> _____(string ___)
            int _ = 0;
            var __ = new StreamReader(___);
            while (!__.EndOfStream)
                await __.ReadLineAsync();
            return _;

Thanks for reading.

P.S. Who want’s to help me write the obfuscator?